Saturday, April 3, 2010

Top Dream Green Jobs

In this day when people are looking for ways to save the environment, there are many who want to make a career of helping to save our Planet. There are many dream green jobs available, and here is just a short list of some of the ones that are top of the line when it comes to finding a niche in saving our world. They are in no particular order, just among the top.

One of them is a solar panel installation instructor. With more and more people looking for alternative power sources, such as solar electricity, there is a great demand for people to install these power systems. However, while there are some that like to try this on their own, many don't have the time or the skills, and are turning to professionals to do it for them. These people have to be skilled, and this is where the instructor comes in. If you know what you're doing, you can earn quite a bit of money teaching people how to correctly install solar power.

The second dream green job is of course the solar power system installer. These people have the job of a lifetime, doing something they like, and getting paid to help our environment. They get to enjoy the outdoors, and help people save money at the same time. Some even start their own successful businesses, and make six figures a year easily. This also holds true for other forms of alternative energy, wind turbines, magnetic generators, and many others.

Another job that many are seeking is in research and development. There are so many advances in the green industry that new technologies are coming out at an alarming rate, whether it is finding ways to make fuel cells smaller, working on algae to create bio diesel fuel, or even finding ways to reduce carbon emissions. There are so many different categories to choose from.

Working to help people go green is another dream green job for some. There is such a great demand for consultants to come into businesses and corporations and help them transition from their old ways of thinking and bringing in new concepts about improving their carbon foot print that many are finding a dream job helping these companies change. It isn't hard to imagine these people making a good living from doing this, and some can be self made millionaires in a short amount of time.

With all the new technologies, there are also many new environmental laws being made, and this is an area that you can get into if you happen to be a lawyer. Whether it is making companies comply with these new laws, or helping people understand them better, there is a large demand for environmental lawyers. Switching over from a regular attorney to a green related one may be a little different, and you will have to learn about these laws.

So as you can see, there are many jobs you can find your green niche in. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to green jobs. There is a green career waiting for you in just about every modern industry, and many more are opening up every day.

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