Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Online College Education

There is a simple old fashioned saying that will answer this question for you. The saying is "nothing in life is free". Free Online College education is available all over the internet however at the end of your course, you receive nothing.

Isn't it better to have something to show for your hard work? A diploma or a degree that will prove to people, that you know what you are talking about. A diploma will say to future employers that you are the best person for the job. Free online College education means no diploma or degree unless you want to do it as a hobby, there are not a lot of benefits to be gained from free online college education.

The lack of a diploma or degree is the main reason why free education is not a good option however, if that is not enough to satisfy you then read on to find out two more reasons why free education is not a good course to take.

Online College Education Why free courses are not a good option.

1 - The course is free because there is no tutor to guide you along the way. There is no one to discuss assignments with, to correct you when you are wrong, or to mark your work to see if you have a good understanding of the subject.

Gaining a diploma or degree takes a lot of learning and guidance from someone who is more knowledgeable in the subject than you. A lack of a teacher in a free education will greatly hamper your chances of being a professional and to know what you are talking about.

2 - A lot of the courses are available to download. Take a note of the date that is next to it, you will definitely find out that the courses are at least a year or two out of date. There is a reason a college is giving courses away for free and not charging people to learn from them.

It could be that the material has become updated over time. Theories and subjects change all the time as scientists and professionals in that field discover more. That is why a lot of employers insist on re training these days. If you plan to complete a free online college education, then you will probably find out the material is of no use to anyone as it is outdated or is not a popular subject.

If you want to pursue an online college education but do not have the money to do so, then considering applying for grants or loans to complete the courses. Guidance and advice from a teacher will be fruitful over the term of the course, it is also beneficial for you to have a diploma or degree to show for your hard work and dedication.

Online College Degrees

When was it that you last attended a classroom for a lecture? Do you miss not having taken up a college education? When you see others having completed their education, it is natural that you should feel left out and wish you had somehow continued and completed your university degree.

There is no reason to feel bad and you can still make up for the lost time and take up a bachelors degree from an online college. This can put you back on track and in line with others.

Whatever the reasons were that you to dropped out of college is irrelevant. What is important is that having a degree will help you better your career prospects. If you wish to grow in your career path, you would need to be promoted or take up other job roles, which will demand different skill sets and qualifications. Most of the jobs call for graduation and degrees as a basic qualification. In the present condition you cannot afford to leave your current job and take up studies again. So the best option would be to enroll in an online course so you continue to work and complete your degree at your own pace.

Whenever somebody hears of online schooling, the first reaction naturally is disbelief. Many people have heard of distance education, but not online education. This is true that most of the prestigious universities are now able to offer bachelor degrees online which is open to all, disregarding your location and age.

The next question to ask is, How genuine are these degrees?". Let us assure you, an online college that offers flexible schooling is as good as the normal degree that you would get from the university by attending day college. Come to think of it, why would the degree be different? If you analyze carefully, you will find that everything is the same except that the admission criteria and delivery mechanism are different from that of day college classes.

Let us also caution you on one aspect that you should watch out for. As we mentioned, online bachelor degree courses are the same as day time college degree courses. They carry the same value in the industry. But this is valid only when you get the degree from a university or institute with a good reputation and one that has accreditations. This is something that you would have to check out and do your homework before you decide on which online college you would like to apply for.

Admissions to online schools or universities are different because unlike day college, online colleges admits anyone and everyone for a degree program as long as they have completed the prerequisite high school graduation. It does not matter when you completed your high school. You may be resuming studies after ten years, but the college accepts you even then.

Come to think of the location of your home or stay and the location of the university, which you are applying for. It really does not matter where both of you are located. You can be in the same city or in different parts of the world, online degrees can be applied for as long as you are able to have a good internet broad band connection and are able to access the university website online.

Online Colleges

XWhenever you are browsing through the internet and checking out information on an education sector, one thing that comes to your attention is the online colleges offering varied courses and degree programs. Have you ever given more thought to this? Do you know that hundreds of people are applying for degrees through online colleges?

Well before you start wondering, let us place certain facts before you. online colleges and courses are educational courses offered by universities and colleges to help you complete your education. They are no different from the daytime college courses that one would attend and graduate from.

If you think that online colleges are different organizations from the normal colleges and universities that exist then this is not correct information. online colleges are no different from the institutions that run day and evening colleges. In fact the same famous universities that you recognize offer online college courses. The only difference being that daytime courses are conducted in the class room environment in the college premise where as online classes are delivered through internet.

Let us tell you briefly about how things work with online colleges. Colleges run classes both mornings and evenings as per regular curriculum. They also run correspondence courses where the classes are not conducted but the course material is delivered through mail delivery besides assignments and projects also being facilitated through courier and mails. With the advancement of internet technology, colleges today are able to offer the same courses with a change in delivery mechanism. They do not mail the course materials instead online colleges offer the entire course material online which can be downloaded by the students in an instant. You may note here that the medium of communication has changed but not the course content or the syllabus.

The availability of technology and multimedia applications, educational institutions and online schools are able to offer almost all courses and subjects through the online mode. If you though that a course like nursing is difficult and not possible to be conducted via online mode, you will be surprised. Just type search and look for a college online offering nursing courses and you will be surprised to find a huge list of accredited and well known universities and online universities offering the same.

They are able to do away with the admission schedules and are able to admit students for the course any time of the year. With this mode of learning, the institutions can reach out to a larger number of students and need not limit the number of students per course, as is the case with classroom or day college courses.

May offer certain courses on fast track mode enabling you to pass out and obtain your degree in lesser time than normal degree. Admissions are open to all, irrespective of the location, age and other bars. The only condition being that you have the prerequisite educational qualification or experience to take up a particular course.